Weston Blokart Club holds regular Fun Weekends throughout the year where newcomers to the sport of Blokart Sailing can have a ‘taster session’ to try the sport (and get the Blokart Grin). These sessions are open to anyone above the age of 7 and are conducted by experienced and qualified instructors.
Many WBC members participate in Blokart racing throughout the UK and internationally, including series racing, National Opens, European Opens and World Championships. Blokart Racing is exciting and great fun with close racing in various categories.
To improve the techniques and skills of members and introduce new-comers to racing, Fun Weekends generally include a few races which members can participate in if so desired. Various aspects of racing e.g. start procedures, as well as tips and hints on general sailing techniques are discussed and practised to improve both racing and non-racing participants.
For more info CLICK HERE